BANYUWANGI - Within a month, the Banyuwangi Police team, East Java, arrested 8 suspects in cases of sexual crimes against children.

The eight suspects had the initials; S, SW, AA, OR, HDP, IN, Sgh, SR. Sexual crimes committed by the perpetrators ranged from obscenity to sodomy.

The Banyuwangi Police Chief, Kombes Nasrun Pasaribu, said that the disclosure of the case began with 8 police reports regarding child sexual crimes during late 2021-early 2022.

"It was revealed that sexual intercourse dominated and 1 case was sodomy," said Nasrun, Thursday, January 13.

Nasrun said the modus operandi of the perpetrators was to seduce underage victims. However, some of the perpetrators also threatened to torture.

"One of them is a case of sodomy, where the victim was invited to the middle of a pine forest. The victim fought back and was beaten using a rattan stick and finally the victim could only surrender," he said.

On average, said Nasrun, the perpetrators of these sexual crimes were close people. The victim and perpetrator knew each other.

"On average these victims know the suspect. His neighbors or even friends. The trigger for the emergence of lewd thoughts is because they often see pornographic films and the suspect is unable to control his lust," said Nasrun.

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