JAYAPURA - Losses due to floods and landslides that occurred in Jayapura, last Thursday reached Rp50 billion.

"This number is likely to increase because officers are still carrying out data collection and calculations," said the head of the Jayapura City Natural Disaster Emergency Response Team, Rustan Saru, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

The calculation of losses has not been completed because the officers in the field prioritize the handling of residents who are affected by the disaster.

"Alhamdulillah, now the water has receded, making cleaning easier," said Rustan Satu.

Rustam further added that the magnitude of the loss was because many public facilities were damaged, including 20 school units. Meanwhile, there were 19,327 affected residents.

The number of affected residents is estimated to continue to increase because data collection has not been completed.

The Deputy Mayor (Wawali) of Jayapura said that to help residents affected by the flood disaster, it was scheduled for Saturday this week to carry out community service in the Organda area, Heram District.

Last Monday, community service was also carried out in several locations except for Organda because at that time it was still flooded. Affected residents are currently still taking refuge at Trikora Sports Center and Social Education and Training in Abepura District.

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