PENAJAM PASER UTARA - A total of 31 houses in Babulu Darat Village, Babulu District, Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) Regency, East Kalimantan, were affected by flooding due to heavy rains.

"The rain that flushed Babulu District last night caused water flow to be blocked because the river in Babulu also overflowed, so that many houses were affected by flooding," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the PPU Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Nurlaila in Babulu, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

In an effort to deal with flooding, he said, the team at the Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) of the PPU Regency BPBD immediately coordinated with various parties, monitoring and collecting data to help flood victims.

The water level (TMA) tends to decrease very slowly at some points, but in some areas it is still rising due to high tide conditions that will last until late afternoon, however, it is predicted that the flood will recede following the receding sea.

BPBD's Pusdalops continues to monitor the latest conditions for flood events in Babulu Darat with relevant officials and officers in their respective areas.

"This morning the Koramil, Babulu Police, and Babulu Darat Village Government officials evacuated the elderly and several residents affected by the flood, to be evacuated to a safe place," he said.

The team at the flood location included the Babulu Danramil along with a number of members, the Babulu Darat village apparatus, Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas, RT heads in their respective areas and residents.

He detailed the 31 houses that were flooded, namely in RT 01 there were two houses, RT 02 there were two houses with a TMA in the house between 50-60 cm and in the yard between 80-100 cm.

Then in RT 11, two houses were flooded with a TMA in the yard between 70-100 cm and a TMA in the house between 30-40 cm.

Furthermore, in RT 14 there are five affected houses with a TMA in the yard between 50-60 cm and a TMA in the house between 5-10 cm. In RT 26 there is no water entering the residents' houses.

"In RT 27, there are 20 houses affected by the flood with a TMA in the yard between 40-50 cm and a TMA in the house in the range of 25 cm, including three houses in RT 28," said Nurlaila.

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