MALANG - Malang City Police Team, East Java, uncovered a fraud case with the money doubling mode. The police have named one suspect with the initials AS, aged 42. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Malang City Police, Kompol Tinton Yudha Riambodo, said the perpetrator deceived the victim by claiming to have the power to multiply money which was used as an attraction to deceive the victim. power that is capable of doubling money," said Tinton quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12. Tinton explained that so far there have only been two victims who reported fraud by the man who was born in Jambi and lives in Rampal Celaket Village, Klojen District, Malang City. According to him, the losses suffered by the victims reached Rp. 40 million. The police are still investigating the case and expect the public to report if they are victims of a fraud committed by the US suspect. , please report to us," he said.

Tinton said the perpetrators carried out their actions by using cardboard as an intermediary for doubling money. While with the victim, the perpetrator put some money in a cardboard box, which later the amount could increase. Before taking the action, the perpetrator had prepared the money in advance and placed it on the inside of the box. When the victim put money into the box, the perpetrator shook the box. "Then when the box was opened, a lot of money was spilled," he said. The crackle bag contains toy money which is shown at a glance to trick the victim. If the victim sends money, the perpetrator promises to double the money up to Rp500 million. This makes the victims tempted and finally transfers some money to the perpetrators. "For a loss of Rp. 40 million. The perpetrator promised that from Rp. 40 million it could be Rp. 500 million," he said.

The Malang City Police Satreskrim secured evidence in the form of an ATM card, a savings account book and five thousand pieces of toy money in the 100,000 denomination which were used to deceive the victim. Currently the police are still developing the case to look for other victims.

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