SEMARANG - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman tried to fly the AH-64E Apache Assault Helicopter made in the United States (US).

This is part of a series of activities to attach an honorary TNI AD Pilot Wing to the Army Chief of Staff at Squadron-11/Assault Lanumad Ahmad Yani Semarang, Central Java, reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 11. While testing the Apache Assault Heli piloted with Captain Cpn Satrya Matahari, General TNI Dudung Abdurachman had the opportunity to "take off" from Ahmad Yani Airport to Simpang Lima Semarang. Continue back to Ahmad Yani Airport, and carry out a "low pass" and "circuit" RW 13/31. Kasad made the flight for 30 minutes.

The Army Chief of Staff said that the Apache Assault Helicopter is one of the great and sophisticated defense equipment owned by the Indonesian Army with extraordinary sensitivity so that it needs to be manned by qualified Penerbad soldiers. The tasks ahead are increasingly complex and embody the professionalism of the Indonesian Army," said Dudung. "Incredible, especially this time flown by a professional pilot," said Kasad.

General Dudung received an honorary brevet in the form of an Indonesian Army flight wing assigned by Danpuspenerbad TNI Major General Bueng Wardadi. The AH-64 Apache helicopter is a type of military helicopter of the type of invader/destroyer that can be flown in various weather conditions.

The assault helicopter is controlled by a crew of two and its main armament consists of a 30 mm M230 machine gun located under the nose of the AH-64 Apache. Meanwhile, in front of the Wira Amur and Persit soldiers from the Puspenerbad ranks, General Dudung expressed his appreciation to the Wira Amur soldiers for their professionalism, dedication, and high dedication in supporting the implementation of the main tasks of the Indonesian Army so that the Penerbad defense equipment system will become a top priority in the face of the essence of With regard to defense equipment, Kasad continued, in the near future Puspenerbad is planned to receive 32 helicopters and 5 Casa planes from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemhan RI) which need to be manned by quite a lot of pilots in organizational arrangements.

Therefore, he added, it is necessary to recruit prospective TNI AD pilots from the Aviation Vocational School to meet the needs of personnel in manning the defense equipment owned by Puspenerbad. Secapa has been going to school for 2 years (officer candidate school) and became an officer because the pilot is an officer," said the four-star general. other facilities. On that occasion, Kasad emphasized that all soldiers should continue to improve their professionalism and maintain solidity with other units around them. The most important thing is to maintain the defense equipment. "This defense equipment system is not cheap, therefore, really maintain it and don't speculate. If it's not possible, don't take the risk, if there is any shortage, it will be immediately submitted to the upper command and we will support it," said General Dudung.

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