SURABAYA - The Commander of the Regional Military Command (Pangdam) V/Brawijaya, Major General Nurchahyanto stated his readiness to recruit students to become soldiers of the Army (AD).

"The policy of our leadership, especially in the TNI AD, will begin with the recruitment of students to become soldiers," he said after holding a friendly meeting with kiai at the East Java PWNU office in Surabaya, reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 11.

According to him, the opportunity has been opened and it will be tried to disseminate information to students and NU regarding the implementation of recruitment.

"This is an extraordinary opportunity. If soldiers are recruited from santri, especially from NU, their commitment to the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and nationalism is guaranteed," he said.

"We will follow up by conveying it to the commanders at the Kodim down to the lower ranks," he added.

Meanwhile, the friendly visit to the kiai was received by the Chair of the East Java PWNU KH Marzuki Mustamar and the Deputy Rais Syuriah of the East Java PWNU KH Anwar Iskandar.

The meeting, said the Pangdam, also asked for the blessing of the kiai in leading the Kodam and its ranks after being sworn in on December 10, 2021.

"I am originally from East Java, raised in Malang. During my 30 years of service in the Indonesian Army, this is the first time I have served in East Java. We want to give 'kulo nuwun' (permission) to the kiai in PWNU," said the former Territorial Assistant (Aster) of the KSAD.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of PWNU KH Marzuqi Mustamar explained that his party was always trying to establish cooperation with various parties in maintaining the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

"Especially with Kodam V/Brawijaya, because pesantren kiai and NU have a long history in the struggle for the state," said the caretaker of the Sabilurrosyad Islamic Boarding School, Gasek Malang.

At the same place, Deputy Rais Syuriah of East Java PWNU KH Anwar Iskandar conveyed the presence of the Regional Military Commander V/Brawijaya while praying for the success of the tasks.

NU, he continued, firmly opposes with all its might and efforts about being undermined by various forces who want to change the basis of the state.

Gus War, as he is familiarly called, also reminded that there are groups that undermine the integrity of the state in the community so that the synergy between Babinsa and NU branches or Islamic boarding schools becomes very important.

"We are not a 24-hour door for soldiers who come to the kiai to share the vision and for the sake of the integrity of the NRKI," said Kiai Anwar Iskandar.

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