JAKARTA - A grade 12 student at SMAN 71 East Jakarta was found to be exposed to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. To avoid transmission, the principal temporarily closed face-to-face learning (PTM), and the learning pattern was resumed online.

Principal of SMAN 71 Jakarta, Acep Mahmuddin, said that the temporary closure will be carried out from Monday 10 January to next Friday.

"The report that came in was one child. The child came to school on Monday, January 3, Tuesday, he did not attend. On Tuesday - Friday this student also did not attend," Acep told reporters, Tuesday, January 11.

Currently, the SMAN 71 Jakarta school building has been temporarily closed because one of the students was exposed to the COVID-19 Virus. This was known based on the results of the PCR swab test conducted a few days earlier.

"On Friday afternoon we received news from his homeroom teacher that this student was positively confirmed for COVID-19," he said.

Now, the school is forced to implement distance learning (PJJ) or virtually, in accordance with the decree of the four Ministers.

"Our plan is to temporarily stop PTM, we will continue PJJ again. We immediately coordinate with the puskesmas, sub-department and service for the next steps for handling it," he said.

In addition, the school is also tracing 35 students, homeroom teachers and teachers. Four of them were declared negative from the results of the PCR swab which were carried out independently. While the other 31 are still waiting for the results.

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