RIAU - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Riau Pujo Harinto said his party had deported a Nigerian citizen, Anok Wuru to Malaysia.

"The person concerned, Anok Wuru, departed using air transportation, heading to Pekanbaru-Jakarta with the destination country Malaysia," said Pujo Harinto in his statement in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, January 11.

Anok Wuru was previously arrested by a Class III non-TPI Kerinci immigration officer, for not being able to show immigration documents when checked. The Nigerian citizen violated Article 71 letter (b), Law no. 62 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

As the duties and functions of the Immigration Detention Center, he said, the Pekanbaru Rudenim deported one Nigerian citizen last Thursday, accompanied by two officers.

After this deportation, the number of foreigners detained in detention houses under the supervision of the Pekanbaru Immigration Detention Center is currently 904 refugees facilitated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Immigrators (violators of immigration provisions) were facilitated by the Pekanbaru Rudenim, and IOM did not facilitate one independent refugee, bringing a total of 915 refugees.

The Nigerian nationals who were about to be deported, he said, had been handed over to the police station in December 2021 and given sanctions in the form of deportation and deterrence. The deportation was carried out under close supervision by two officers from the detention center.

Anok Wuru admitted that he was given good and friendly service as well as getting food.

"I was detained at the Pekanbaru Rudenim for 1 year, here I can play tennis and chess, thank you all for providing good service for me," he also said.

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