MEDAN - The police arrested the perpetrator of the mugging of a woman on Jalan DI Panjaitan, Babura Village, Medan Baru District, Medan City.

The action of the man with the initials RB (30) was caught on a surveillance camera and went viral after being uploaded to social media.

The Head of the Medan Baru Police, Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa, said that when he was arrested, the RB perpetrator tried to fight the officers. The police shot both of the perpetrators in the legs.

"The perpetrator had to be given strict action on both legs for resisting. The perpetrator had pushed and tried to grab the officer's weapon during development to look for evidence of the motorbike used by the perpetrator," said Kompol Fathir, Monday, January 10.

Kompol Fathir explained that the perpetrator was arrested based on a report from a victim named Nurlela who reported it on Monday, December 27, 2021.

At the time of the incident, the victim and her daughter were leaving the house on foot to the Jalan Iskandar Muda Post Office via Jalan DI Panjaitan passing through Gajahmada Field.

"Before arriving at the end of the road, suddenly the victim was approached by the perpetrator riding a motorcycle and immediately grabbed the victim's bag with a strong force. Until the victim fell onto the road which resulted in the victim suffering injuries to the face, legs and hands," he explained.

As a result of the incident, the police chief said the victim had to be hospitalized and lost 1 black bag containing a large navy blue wallet containing Rp10 million in cash including a cellphone. The victim's child immediately made a report to the police.

"Receiving a report from the victim's child, the officers immediately carried out an investigation. On Saturday, January 8, 2022 at around 15:00 WIT, officers then gave chase by visiting the residence of the perpetrator and securing the perpetrator RB," continued Kompol Teuku Fathir.

From the hands of the perpetrators, officers secured several pieces of evidence, including the vehicle used by the perpetrator during the action. Currently, the perpetrators together with the evidence have been secured at the Medan Baru Police Office for further investigation.

"The perpetrators are subject to Article 365 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison," he concluded.

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