JAKARTA - Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) dr Agus Taufiqurrahman M.Kes, Sp.S stated that fighting and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic is the same as a form of humanitarian jihad, so all organizations intervene so that this pandemic ends soon. humanity, when we guard so that people don't get infected with COVD-19 and then save their lives, whoever saves one life, then for him gets a reward like saving all lives," he said in a media briefing received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Saturday, January 8. said Muhammadiyah was facing the COVID-19 pandemic by applying three main values, namely in accordance with the right faith principles, correct scientific principles, and harokah (actively moving). Through social media, there are many messages circulating asking why you have to wear a mask, while you are sick or sick u getting infected is a destiny from Allah.

Not only that, he said, false information (hoaxes) about vaccines were circulating where not a few thought that vaccines were a global conspiracy and had been infiltrated by "micro chips". Therefore, Muhamadiyah believed in guarding so that no more people would be wrongly responsive to the pandemic. COVID-19. “Even though the religious argument is clear, we were ordered by the Apostle l'aa dharara wala dhirar', Do not do things that endanger yourself and also endanger others. Now, this is the principle that the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) then oversees so that the community faces the pandemic with the true values of faith. The teachings of Islam in the Quran and Sunnah are correct," said Agus. Second, Muhammadiyah oversees the movement to face the pandemic with the correct scientific principles. When the pandemic hit China and then spread to all corners of the world, Muhammadiyah immediately invited experts to investigate the virus. Various views and research were then born which became the basis for Muhammadiyah to move in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. "We invite large campuses to discuss so that what we do is in accordance with scientific principles," he said. Facing this pandemic must be a movement that is structured and synergized with other institutions. All organizations, independent organizations, and Muhammadiyah volunteers intervene to deal with this virus. "Because it is impossible to solve the pandemic alone, it is impossible, so the principle of harokah," said Agus Taufiqurrahman.

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