JAKARTA - The case of alleged violation of the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (ITE) regarding video footage of Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah's lecture allegedly discrediting the sacred tombs of the ancestors on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, is now in the police investigation stage. has been carried out, the handling is now entering the investigation stage," said Head of Bidhumas Polda NTB Kombes Artanto in Mataram, reported by Antara, Friday, January 7. To determine this role, his party will still carry out a series of investigations, one of which is by scheduling the examination of witnesses, including the reported party, Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah. "So at this stage (investigation) there are no suspects. other witnesses who previously provided clarification in the investigation process," he said. Even to finalize the investigation, Artanto ensured that his party professionally collaborated with nine experts. He also ensured that this step would strengthen the evidence in determining the status of the case. "The nine experts we use are linguists, criminals, and ITE experts. The experts we are working with will later conduct studies related to the video footage," he said. He said. The expert study also confirmed that Artanto continued on the results of the cyber team's search through a digital forensic system which found the account that uploaded the first 19-second video clip on social media Facebook. So, this matter must be included in an in-depth study by experts," he said.

Earlier on Sunday, January 2, at around 02.00 WITA, the 19-second video clip was allegedly the trigger for the reaction of an unidentified group of people who vandalized the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School in Bagek Nyaka, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency. entered in the process of handling the police with a different report that came from the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School. The purpose of the security is to prevent things that can disrupt the situation in the community.

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