JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has designated 14 building objects as cultural heritage for the last two years, namely in 2020-2021. The determination of this cultural heritage is a mandate in Law Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation as a Preservation Effort.

“This stipulation becomes a clear legal basis as the basis for the preservation of Cultural Conservation. This determination is also part of our efforts to protect cultural assets owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Head of the DKI Culture Service Iwan Henry Wardhana in his statement, Friday, January 7.

Iwan said that the determination of the object to become a cultural heritage had gone through a study that was verified by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Cultural Heritage Expert Team. Verification is in the form of surveys, bibliography research, and conducting study discussions.

"The process of compiling the study was carried out in several discussion meetings in order to produce study documents that can be legally and scientifically justified," said Iwan.

The criteria for determining the object to become a cultural heritage include being 50 years old or older; represents a style that is at least 50 years old; has special meaning for history, science, education, religion, and/or culture; and has cultural values for strengthening the nation's personality.

"Hopefully this building that has been designated as a Cultural Conservation can make people know more about history. We also invite the community to jointly maintain its sustainability," he explained.

The following are 14 objects that have been designated as cultural heritage: 1. Rawamangun Golf Course2. Bank Indonesia Kebon Sirih Building3. Garuda Indonesia Head Office Building Jalan Kebon Sirih4. Tjipta Niaga Building5. Proclamation Memorial 6. Proclamation House7. Proclamation Monument8. Independence Pioneer Building9. Merchant Ammunition Warehouse10. Vincentius Putri Building Complex11. Building 1, Building 2, and Building 3 in the State Film Production General Company Complex12. Jatinegara Station13. Matraman Raya Road Railroad Bridge14. Triple Tunnel Railroad Bridge

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