Offended By Being Scolded, A Teenager In Medan Kills His Friend With Scissors

MEDAN - Offended by being scolded, a teenager with the initials MR (15) in Medan City, had the heart to kill his own friend S (26). The victim died after being stabbed by MR using scissors.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said the incident began when the suspect asked the victim the whereabouts of his friend.

"The suspect, MR, met the victim and asked the victim, 'Bang, I see my friend.'

Kombes Hadi did not specify what the victim said, but after that, the two got into an argument. The victim then kicked the suspect and ended up fighting.

"During the fight, the victim's scissors fell and were taken by the suspect without the victim's knowledge, then the scissors were hidden in the suspect's trouser pocket," he explained.

The two of them stopped fighting for a moment, then not long after they started fighting again.

"In the end, the suspect stabbed the victim in the left chest using scissors once," he said.

Some time later, the friend the suspect was looking for came. His friend then told him to run away.

Receive homicide information. The police then investigated the case. The police arrested the perpetrator, in Percut Sei Tuan District, Monday, January 3.

When he was arrested by the police, MR admitted his actions. Currently, the perpetrators are still undergoing investigation and are charged with Article 351 Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code.

"He admitted that he had thrown the scissors into the sea at Titi Kembar Bagan Deli," he said.

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