JAKARTA - The number of COVID-19 patients undergoing inpatient treatment at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Hospital, Central Jakarta, as of Thursday, January 6, at 20.00 p.m. local time, reached 1.300 people. This figure has increased compared to before the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 case emerged.

The spike in cases due to Omicron has become a concern for the health commission in the Indonesian House of Representatives. Moreover, currently face-to-face learning (PTM) in schools has been applied 100 percent.

Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Netty Prasetiyani Aher, asked the government not to hesitate to postpone the PTM 100 percent if COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant increased.

"Don't hesitate to stop the 100 percent PTM if COVID-19 cases in the country soar. As of last Thursday alone, active cases in DKI Jakarta have reached 1.170 cases. This should be taken into consideration by the government in delaying the implementation of the 100 percent PTM," said Netty to reporters, Friday, January 7.

According to the PKS Party politician, the government must open its ears to hear input and recommendations from experts regarding PTM. "Many experts have asked for the 100 percent PTM to be temporarily postponed while looking at the COVID-19 situation after the spike in cases due to Omicron," explained Netty.

This West Java legislator assesses that the majority of schools in Indonesia are not ideal to be able to face the threat of non-natural disasters such as COVID-19.

“Many of our schools are in poor condition and it is very difficult to protect students from the threat of COVID-19. This should be an alarm for the government in the future to prepare an education system that is adaptive to natural and non-natural disasters,” she said.

Netty also criticized the loss of parental rights in determining whether their child wants to remain Distant Learning (PJJ) or PTM. "The government should not impose its will amid the lack of facilities and our education system in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic," she stressed.

Netty understands that students experience learning loss, but it is even more dangerous if there is a new cluster of Omicron transmission in children.

"Learning loss is indeed dangerous for the nation's future generations, but from the parents' point of view, the safety and health of children is far more important than anything else. And the government must not eliminate the right of parents to worry and be more careful about their children's health," she said.

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