Not Only Sahroni, Nasdem Party Has Two Other Names To Be Candidates In DKI Regional Elections
General Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni, and Regional Secretary DPW Nasdem DKI Wibi Andrino/IST

JAKARTA - It seems that the Nasdem Party does not only have one name to be used as a candidate (balloon) for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in the upcoming 2024 Pilkada. Previously, Nasdem admitted that it would carry General Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni to run in the DKI gubernatorial election.

Nasdem politician Bestari Barus said that his party had a choice of three cadres to support, namely the Head of Health Okky Asokawati, General Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni, and the Regional Secretary of the Nasdem DPW DKI Wibi Andrino.

"We have Okky Asokawati, a female cadre. Then we also have Wibi Andrino, a young faction leader. We have Sahroni," Bestari said when contacted, Friday, January 7.

Bestari believes that the party created by Surya Paloh will be faster than other political parties in deciding and announcing the candidate for the future leader of the capital city.

"Usually, Nasdem will be the fastest. If the other (others) just have a discourse, later I believe Nasdem will be faster than the others in pushing the names of candidates for governor," said Bestari. the criteria for the most appropriate figure to lead the capital city.

"This is done so that the candidates who are promoted can work better in carrying out their duties, and continue the development in DKI Jakarta which has been so well done by Anies Baswedan and the previous governor, to achieve community satisfaction," he explained.

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