PALU - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin gave support to the founding figure of Alkhairaat Palu, Central Sulawesi Habib Idrus bin Salim Aldjufri or Guru Tua was encouraged to become one of the national heroes. work to Alkhairat Palu, reported by Antara, Thursday, January 6. It is scheduled that the Vice President will be in the capital city of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) for two days to carry out a number of reviews, including the completion of the construction of permanent housing (huntap) for disaster victims, and socialization of public service malls. and the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The Vice President conveyed this encouragement when he heard the explanation from the General Chairperson of Alkhairaat Habib Ali bin Muhammad Aldjufri about the condition of one of the largest Islamic organizations in Eastern Indonesia. Habib Ali said that his party had collaborated with the Development Agency. Pancasila ideology (BPIP) in determining concrete steps to accelerate the drive to make people Envy Alkhairaat as a National figure. Secretary General of Alkhairaat Ridwan Yalidjama said that one of the obstacles in proposing Guru Tua to become a national figure in recent years was related to administration. Therefore, the proposed team that was formed had completed various deficiencies in files related to administration for review before being designated as a national hero. "The files already exist, such as an ID card, it's no longer a problem because since starting his struggle in Central Sulawesi in 1930, the Guru Tua character has officially become an Indonesian citizen," said Ridwan. He further explained, In the future, the plan is for the Alkhairaat Complex to build a 30-meter-high Old Guru Monument.

The existence of the monument will be a sign of Sayyid Idrus bin Salim Aldjufri's footsteps in fighting for the values of religious education in Indonesia. ," said Ridwan. He also added that in a limited meeting his party conveyed to the Vice President about efforts to improve competitiveness in the education sector, by concentrating on development in the Western Region of Indonesia to Aceh Province. Until now, Alkhairaat has 50 Islamic boarding schools and 1,700 madrasas. at all levels, with a total of not less than 15,000 students. "Our concept is ripe for developing religious education and the development of the Alkhairaat Islamic Boarding School, and we discussed these things in the meeting. The Vice President welcomed our plan positively," said Ridwan.

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