SITUBONDO - A total of 9 junior high school students from Sidoarjo drowned on Main Raya Beach, Banyuglugur, Situbondo, East Java. The victim was rescued and taken to the hospital.

Kapolsek Banyuglugur AKP Supoyo said the victims were a group of students and middle school teachers in Sidoarjo. Arriving at the beach. the students immediately play and swim in the beach area.

"In the afternoon around 17.00 WIB there was a scream. Several teachers rushed to where the sound came from and saw that some of their students who were playing on the beach drowned," he said, Thursday, January 6.

Teachers and lifeguards immediately gave help. Nine students were taken to the hospital.

"Luckily, all the victims survived. But one victim suffered an injury to his leg while trying to help another friend who drowned," he concluded.

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