JAKARTA - NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat (VBL) asked the NTT Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to develop a way of thinking that is advanced or progressive and leaves narrow and sectarian thoughts behind. Governor Viktor assessed that the NTT MUI should be able to become a breaker from the narrow minds of scholars.

“We have to give a new color to Indonesia. At a time when our Indonesian way of thinking, in my opinion, is starting to fade at this time, the NTT MUI must be able to produce more progressive thoughts. I continue to encourage scholars, scholars and the government in NTT to think ahead and be visionary," said VBL when receiving the NTT MUI board for the 2021-2025 period at the Governor's Office in Kupang City, Wednesday, January 5, as reported by Antara.

The governor invited the NTT MUI management to give up narrow thinking in the name of religion and discredit others. Such is the way of thinking of religious people who live in caves.

“People who live in caves have compartmentalized lives. Don't want to hang out with others. Many NTT people still live in caves like this. Building life in their own culture cave, living in their religious cave and in a hedonic lifestyle without being in solidarity with other people," said the Nasdem politician.

Viktor said, the people who live in this cave do not know how to think ahead. Viktor then gave the example that Christians should not wish Muslims a Merry Eid and on the contrary, Muslims should not wish Christians a Merry Christmas.

“Thoughts that make us smart and advanced are born from various groups and different backgrounds. It doesn't come from just one group. From the west, the east, the moderate line, the Catholic line, the reform line, the Muslim line and even from the animist group," said Viktor.

The governor also has high hopes for the new management of the NTT MUI, which is a harmonious blend of NU and Muhamadyah. Also with diverse professional backgrounds, both scholars, scholars, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs and various other professions. There were also many young people in it.

“With this collaboration, the NTT MUI must give birth to modern and advanced thinking that can be contributed to community development. The inclusion of administrators with other professional backgrounds, apart from ulama, is of course intended so that MUI can be more beneficial for the welfare of the people or society, both physically and spiritually. I also ask the NTT MUI not to be afraid to be critical. If it's wrong, say it's wrong. The NTT MUI must be able to make a positive contribution to the Indonesian MUI, especially in building the values of diversity," said Viktor.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the NTT MUI for the 2021-2025 period, Muhamad S. Wongso, emphasized that the NTT MUI is ready to come out of the cave and join hands and synergize with various parties to realize NTT Rise Towards a Prosperous Society.

"The NTT MUI as a partner of the provincial government is ready to provide support and be involved in the development of natural resources, such as fisheries and marine resources, to improve the economy of the NTT community, especially in the coastal area, develop tourism, support the TJPS program and deal with stunting. We also invite the governor and deputy governor to attend the inauguration ceremony for the NTT MUI management on January 17," said Mad Wongso.

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