SRAGEN - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) took the time to visit Gemolong Market, Sragen Regency, Central Java during a work visit to the area.

Here, President Jokowi distributes Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) and food packages to traders in the market.

Jokowi's presence at the Gemolong Market, Sragen, is a series of working visits in Central Java, namely in Purwodadi Regency to conduct a review of vaccinations for children aged 6-11 years, Blora, and Semarang City.

According to the Head of the Cooperative, MSME, Industry, and Trade Office of Sragen Cosmos, Edwi Yunanto, President Jokowi's working visit to Sragen visited Gemolong Market. The President, after reviewing traditional markets and distributing BLT to traders, each received IDR 1.2 million and a package of basic necessities.

"Mr. President Jokowi symbolically handed over direct BLT assistance to 20 traders and the other 105 traders were handed over by the presidential staff each worth IDR 1.2 million, bringing the total to 125 traders," he said.

Meanwhile, 250 food packages were provided to be distributed to traders at Gemolong Market, Sragen.

On that occasion, the President advised that the assistance can be used as business capital and his business can run smoothly for economic revival during this pandemic. Meanwhile, Tugiyem, one of the traders at Gemolong Market Sragen said that he received BLT assistance and food packages directly from Mr. President Jokowi. .

"I'm happy to meet Jokowi in person," said the drink and fried food seller at Gemolong Market, Sragen, for the past three years.

He also said that President Jokowi advised traders to increase their sales and if they were selling, keep them clean.

He received information that Mr. Jokowi's arrival was sudden. He was asked to do an antigen swab test, Tuesday, January 4, the night before meeting Pak Jokowi.

President Jokowi, after making a working visit at Gemolong Market, Sragen, distributed BLT and food packages, then continued walking by road to Grobogan and Blora Regencies.

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