YOGYAKARTA - The family of Gilang Endi Saputra, who died in the case of a criminal act of abuse at the Menwa Education and Training program at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) 2021, asked the police to look for other suspects after the two previous suspects were handed over to the local state prosecutor.

"Although two suspects have been named, we really hope that the police will continue to develop their investigation and investigation of this case to reveal the other perpetrators," said the representative of the victim's family, Novarina Eka Puri, in a virtual press conference held by LBH Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

Novarina, who is Gilang's cousin, hopes that the police can investigate related parties who have neglected or neglected their responsibilities so that the abuse case occurred.

He also hopes that the Surakarta District Attorney's Office, which has received the overflow of case files, can work professionally, transparently and accountably.

"We hope that later the judge can decide this case fairly," he said.

The victim's legal assistant from the Yogyakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Julian Dwi Prasetia assessed that there are still other parties who have the potential to become suspects if they refer to the article applied by the police in that case.

Previously, the articles alleged against the two suspects were Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 359 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code carries a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison.

"From the articles that are suspected, of course this is a joint action, not an individual act. This can be more than one (perpetrators), yes, does it stop at number two, maybe not. Maybe the other committees can be hit too, " he said.

Therefore, he encouraged the investigation of the criminal act of persecution to continue and not stop at the determination of the two suspects.

"We hope that the police by delegating this case to the prosecutor's office will not stop the attention of the police, especially the Surakarta Police, not to stop the investigation and investigation. We hope that the criminal process will continue when new facts are revealed," said Julian.

Meanwhile, the UNS Justice for Gilang student representative, Alqis Bahnan, demanded responsibility from the UNS campus, including by imposing academic sanctions, not only on the perpetrators, but also on the committee and supervisor of the activity.

"There it is clearly stated that the campus allows for Menwa Training and Education and it is signed by WR (Vice Chancellor) I, meaning that the campus must be responsible for this incident," said Alqis.

Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surakarta City Police have transferred the dossier of the second stage of the criminal act of molestation in the 2021 UNS Student Regiment Basic Training (Diklatsar Menwa) activities to the local public prosecutor's office, Monday, January 3.

The Surakarta Police investigator team has sent a number of evidences and two suspects named Nanang Fahrizal Maulana (22) a resident of Pati as the UNS Menwa Training Commander and Fauzal Pujut Juliono (22) a Wonogiri resident as the Head of the UNS Menwa Provos to the public prosecutor (JPU) at the prosecutor's office. because it has been declared complete (P-21).

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