JAKARTA - Ahmad Dhani will be released from the Cipinang Detention Center on Monday, December 30. He is free after serving a prison term for hate speech on his Twitter account.

Dhani's attorney, Ali Lubis, will take care of the administrative process for Dhani's freedom at 08.00 WIB on that day. At around 09.00 WIB, Dhani is expected to be released from detention.

Dhani's free time coincided with the DPR recess period. Therefore, his wife, Mulan Jameela, who is a member of the DPR, will welcome her husband's freedom directly from the Cipinang Detention Center.

Ali said, Mulan would hold a thanksgiving at his residence. Mulan did not forget to prepare the favorite drink that Dhani craved while in prison.

"When he returns home, Mbak Mulan will prepare green coconut water. The fresh drink Mas Dhani often drinks at home," Ali said when contacted by VOI, Friday, December 27.

Ali could not confirm whether Dhani's three children, Al, El, and Dul, also welcomed Dhani's release at the Cipinang Detention Center. "Only, if there are no activities such as lectures and gigs, they will take the time, Mas Dhani is their parents," he said.

When picking up Dhani, Mulan will be accompanied by a number of relatives and volunteers Ahmad Dhani who are faithfully supportive. He said that no big celebrations were being held at the detention center, because Dhani would immediately return home.

Furthermore, after being released, Ahmad Dhani will meet with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees as well as the General Chair of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto. The purpose of this meeting was because Dhani wanted to ask for political direction from Prabowo. Moreover, Dhani is a failed legislative candidate from the Gerindra Party.

"After leaving, he will face Pak Prabowo (Gerindra chairman), because he is still a Gerindra cadre. He will ask Prabowo's direction, what political steps will be in the future," he said.

Ahmad Dhani's legal case

Ahmad Dhani was imprisoned because he was found guilty regarding the case of hate speech by the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court (South Jakarta District Court). He was sentenced to 18 months as his sentence.

"Declared, sentenced the accused to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months, and ordered the defendant to be detained," said chief judge Ratmoho reading the verdict at the South Jakarta District Court, on January 28.

In their consideration, the panel of judges assessed that Ahmad Dhani's tweet on Twitter had created unrest in the community. Meanwhile, it is mitigating because Ahmad Dhani has never been convicted and behaved politely during the trial.

At that time, Ahmad Dhani did not comment much regarding the verdict read out by the panel of judges. He only posed two fingers in front of the media crew who followed the proceedings. He immediately got into a detention car and was taken to the Cipinang Detention Center.

Dhani's son, Abdul Qodir Jaelani, took part in the detention car but was not allowed. Meanwhile, Mulan hurriedly left the court after accompanying Dhani.

In this case, Dhani was proven to have committed a criminal offense regulated by the threat of criminal punishment in Article 45A paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Book of Law. -Law Criminal Law (KUHP).

He was proven to have made hate speech through 3 tweets on Ahmad Dhani's Twitter account, @AHMADDHANIPRAST. The first tweet read, "The one who insulted the religion of the Ahok ... who was tried by KH Ma'ruf Amin".

Meanwhile, the second tweet read, "Anyone who supports blasphemy is a bastard who needs to be spat in the face-ADP". The third chirp reads, "The first sentence of the precepts of KETuhanAN YME, a religious penisTA become governor ... you are SUSH ??? - ADP".

Dhani's tweet was reported by the founder of BTP Network, the Ahok-Djarot support group, Jack Boyd Lapian. The report was submitted to the police on March 9, 2017, two days after Dhani posted a controversial tweet.

During his time in the Cipinang Class I Detention Center, Dhani was declared to have good behavior. This makes Dhani entitled to an accelerated remission of his detention period, resulting in news that it will come out on December 30.

In fact, Dhani also had another legal case against him at the same time. On October 18 2018, the East Java Regional Police named Dhani as a suspect in a case of defamation related to a viral video of him saying 'Idiot Banser'.

The suspect was determined after the police conducted an examination of 10 witnesses and five expert witnesses. Mulan Jameela's husband was charged with Article 28 Paragraph (2) Jo 45A paragraph (2) and / or 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 45 paragraph (3) Law Number 19 Year 2016.

However, Dhani filed an appeal. He sent the appeal after being sentenced to 1 year by the judge on June 11, 2019. The demand was lighter than that conveyed by the Public Prosecutor (JPU), namely 1 year and 8 months in prison.

As a result, he won the appeal. The East Java High Court (PT) granted Ahmad Dhani's sentence relief from 1 year in prison to a probationary sentence of 6 months. The sentence reduction decision has been announced in the case tracking information system (SIPP) of the Surabaya District Court.

Thus, Ahmad Dhani's sentence at the appeal level becomes a trial of 6 months and if he commits the same act, Dhani will be immediately locked up for 3 months in prison without the need for another trial.

The decision on Dhani's appeal at the Surabaya High Court could have permanent legal force (inkrah) if the prosecutor did not file an appeal for the case that occurred in Surabaya. So, Dhani can apply for conditional leave for the remainder of the criminal sentence in a case in Jakarta.

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