JAKARTA - It was recorded that approximately 85 houses of residents in the Parit Pekir Sungailiat neighborhood, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, are threatened with flooding due to high tides and are affected by the intensity of the rain. Although the water has not yet entered the residents' houses, the water has reached a height of 30 to 75 centimeters," said the Head of the Parit Pekir Environment, Mohamat Rozi in Sungailiat, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4. the rainy season because it is in a low position and not far from the coast. "Gotong royong for residents in the area is routinely carried out, but because people's houses are located in lowlands, the potential for flooding still occurs during high tide and rainy season," he said.

According to him, his party deliberately has not reported to the local BPBD and evacuated residents for the threat of flooding that submerged residential areas because the water has not yet entered the residents' homes. reduced," he explained. Several years earlier in the same area there was a flood with a water level of approximately one meter or before the water channel was repaired, a fairly large water supply from upstream during the rainy season resulted in overflowing of water and submerging dozens of residents' houses. Moderate intensity began to occur in parts of Sungailiat City on Tuesday since 04.30 WIB.

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