JAKARTA - During 2021, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is aggressively completing the construction of a number of dams. From the beginning to the end of 2021, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has inaugurated 13 dams.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, the PUPR Ministry said this dam is to support national water and food security programs, one of which is by increasing the number of reservoirs and water supplies in Indonesia. In the 2015-2019 period, 15 dams have been completed. Meanwhile, in the 2020-2024 period, the PUPR Ministry targets the construction of 61 dams.
"The construction of the dam must also be followed by the construction of the irrigation network. Thus, the dam that is built at a large cost can be beneficial because the water is ensured to flow to the farmers' fields," Minister Basuki said in the ministry's official website, Sunday, January 2.
Dams in IndonesiaThe first dam to be inaugurated by President Jokowi in 2021 is the Tukul Dam in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province (East Java) on February 14, 2021. With a capacity of 8.7 million cubic meters, this dam can provide enormous benefits by irrigating 600 hectares of rice fields.
In addition to providing benefits for irrigating an area of 600 hectares, the Tukul Dam functions to reduce flooding by 42.21 m3/second, has the potential as a source of 2x132 KW Micro-hydro Power Plant (PLTMH), conservation of water resources, and tourism.
The second dam that the President inaugurated in early 2021 was the Tapin Dam, in Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) on 18 February 2021.
With a large enough capacity of 56.7 million m3 this dam plays an important role in flood control in South Kalimantan Province and also strengthens food security through the provision of irrigation for an area of 5,472 hectares. The existence of this dam is also expected to provide raw water for the Rantau area as the capital of Tapin Regency and its surroundings of 500 liters/second, water conservation, and for hydropower of 3.30 MW.

Furthermore, there is the Napun Gete Dam, which is the 3rd dam inaugurated by the President to meet the water needs of Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. The Napun Gete Dam has a capacity of 11.2 million m3 and is planned to be able to irrigate an irrigated area of 300 hectares.
In addition to irrigation, this multifunctional dam also functions as a provider of raw water in Sikka Regency as much as 214 liters per second, flood control as much as 219 m3/second and has the potential for generating electricity of 0.1 MW, as well as tourism potential so that it can help the welfare of the surrounding community. .
The next dam that President Jokowi has inaugurated in early March 2021 is the Sindangheula Dam in Serang Regency, Banten Province. With a capacity of 9.3 million m3, this dam provides irrigation benefits to 1,280 hectares (ha) of rice fields in Serang and generally in Banten Province.
Sindangheula Dam is also to provide raw water for industrial areas that are developing in Serang City, Serang Regency, and Cilegon City at 0.80 m3/second. This dam also functions to reduce flooding to 50 m3/second and has the potential for generating electricity of 0.40 MW MW, as well as tourism potential.
Furthermore, in early August 2021, the Kuningan Dam, West Java, was inaugurated by President Jokowi. With a capacity of 25.9 million m3, this dam will continuously supply water for irrigated agriculture for 3,000 ha of community rice fields in Kuningan Regency, Cirebon Regency, and Brebes Regency. The Kuningan Dam is also very useful for water resistance, avoiding flooding, providing 0.30 m3/second raw water, and has the potential to generate 0.5 MW of electricity.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in early September 2021 also inaugurated the Way Sekampung Dam in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province. With a capacity of 68 million cubic meters, this dam is projected to strengthen water and food security in the Lampung region. The supply of raw water from this dam will be carried out in stages up to 2,737 liters per second, and will also function as a source of power generation of 5.4 megawatts, and flood control.
Furthermore, there is the Bendo Dam which is the seventh dam to be inaugurated by President Jokowi in 2021. The Bendo Dam will provide irrigation for 7800 ha of rice fields and also for raw water supply with a capacity of 370 liters/second, and can reduce flooding in Ponorogo City by 31% or 117.4 m3/second from 375.4 m3/second to 258 m3/second.
The next dams to be inaugurated in 2021 are two dams in South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Province, namely the Paselloreng Dam in September 2021 and the Karalloe Dam in November 2021, the Karalloe Dam has been inaugurated in Gowa Regency. The construction of the two dams aims to increase the water supply in South Sulawesi Province as one of the national food barns so that water continuity to agricultural land is maintained.
Furthermore, at the end of November 2021, the President inaugurated two multifunctional dams at once in East Java, namely the Tugu Dam in Trenggalek Regency and the Gongseng Dam in Bojonegoro Regency. The Tugu Dam has a capacity of around 12.1 million cubic meters to meet the needs of an irrigation area of 1,250 hectares (ha), supply raw water of 12 liters per second, and reduce flooding. Meanwhile, the Gongseng Dam has a function to meet the irrigation needs of 6,191 hectares of rice fields, supply 300 liters of raw water/second, conserve tourism, and reduce flooding.
Meanwhile, at the end of December 2021, the President also inaugurated two dams in two different provinces in one day, namely the Ladongi Dam in East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province and continued with the Pidekso Dam in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. The Ladongi Dam has the main function of irrigating an irrigation area of 3,604 hectares located in four districts, while the Pidekso Dam has the main function of irrigating 1,500 ha of agricultural land in Wonogiri Regency.
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