JAKARTA - Hundreds of scientists at the Eijkman bio-molecular research institute were suddenly dismissed and not given severance pay. This happened due to the merger of the research institution into the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

It is known that Eijkman was officially integrated into BRIN in September 2021. The institution has also changed its name to the Eijkman Center for Molecular Biology Research (PRBM).

In response to this, the researcher and founder of the KedaiKOPI survey institute, Hendri Satrio, asked the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to step down. Because he assessed that the Eijkman smelting plan was definitely not the plan yesterday afternoon.

According to him, Head of BRIN, Laksana Tri Handoko, should be able to prepare steps so that researchers and researchers at Eijkman can continue their dedication under BRIN.

"But it's a shame that the leader of the institution with the words innovation in it is not able to think of good things, unable to innovate to be able to save the researchers and researchers," said Hendri Satrio in a statement to reporters, Monday, January 3.

Hensat, as Hendri is known, questioned the dedication of the Head of BRIN, Laksana Tri Handoko. He advised Laksana to step down if he was unable to save the Eijkman researchers who had lost their jobs.

"If he is no longer able to innovate, why lead an institution that has innovations. So it is better for the head of BRIN to resign rather than continue, what are the steps he will take. It is impossible to save fellow researchers and researchers," he stressed.

Hensat also highlighted the issue of bureaucracy. According to him, the bureaucracy should not sacrifice the researchers at Eijkman.

"He said bureaucracy. Come on, bureaucracy is also the fruit of the human mind, the same as innovation. If you want to innovate, O head of the institution, you should be able to do better for your institution and your fellow researchers and researchers," said Hensat.

Meanwhile, the Head of BRIN, Laksana Tri Handoko, when confirmed, denied that there were hundreds of scientists who did not receive severance pay after being dismissed.

According to him, if scientists choose the options offered by BRIN, no scientist will be dismissed without severance pay.

"Yes, of course that's not true, except for those who don't want to choose one of our options," said Laksana.

Laksana said, Eijkman is not an official government agency but a project unit at the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek).

"This causes, so far the PNS (Civil Civil Service) Researchers at LBME cannot be appointed as full researchers, and have the status of administrative staff," he explained.

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