JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate ICW's findings regarding the government's use of a budget of Rp 90.45 billion for various activities involving influencers.

"As an anti-corruption agency, of course, the law is mandatory for the KPK to pay attention to corruption eradication issues that are the talk of the public. Including the issue of disbursing funds for influencers," said KPK deputy chairman, Nawawi Pomolango, Monday, August 14.

However, the investigation carried out by the KPK must be accompanied by valid evidence. "Of course the way the KPK works in responding to this information does not have to be conveyed openly," he said.

He said that this was carried out by the KPK for these programs as the KPK's duties and functions were mandated in Article 6 letter C of Law Number 19 of 2019.

"It could be like that as a form of KPK's task of monitoring Article 6 letter C of Law 19/2019, namely conducting studies but it could also be in the form of investigations," he said.

The main expert for the Presidential Staff Office, Donny Gahral Adian, previously stated that the Rp90.45 billion budget was not entirely used to pay for influencers, as stated by the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

"So, Rp. 90.45 billion is a public relations budget. Public relations has a lot of allocation, for example for public service advertisements, for advertising in print, audio-visual, socialization, making books, or others, so it's not all for influencers," Donny said. Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, August 21.

On Thursday, August 20, ICW researcher Egi Primayogha in a press conference "The PR regime: How much is the Influencer Budget Billion?" online stated, the central government budgeted IDR 90.45 billion for various activities involving influencers.

The findings are based on a search of the government procurement services Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) page from 14 to 18 August 2020.

"It is impossible for Rp. 90 billion to be given to influencers, how much influencers are they? So, influencers are chosen people who are competent, have the ability, master the substance. So, if we socialize the right policies, what's the harm? Unless they distort the facts, make good what is wrong not good, just make up something bad, after all, they talk as is, "said Donny.

According to Donny, President Jokowi, who previously invited a number of influencers to the Palace, only intended to say hello.

"I think Pak Jokowi just wants to greet all stakeholders, including influencers, because those who have mass, have followers, have listeners. What they say must be heard by many people so they are called so they can avoid hoaxes, slander, character assassination, to using social media positively, "Donny added.

Donny denied ICW's statement that President Joko Widodo did not have confidence in his programs because he used influencer services.

"Because the name of the program must be understood to remote areas, even to villages that are not reached by the media. Well, influencers, we know that we use social media that is used by the community, so I don't think it is insecure, but its reach is wider, especially in millennial circles, "said Donny.

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