YOGYAKARTA - TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa assessed that the Special Region of Yogyakarta has a good reputation regarding security.

"Yogyakarta has a very good reputation," said the TNI Commander after meeting with Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X at the Kepatihan Office, Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 31.

According to Andika, until now there have been no outstanding reports regarding security issues in Gudeg City.

"I received a report from the Kodam Commander, from the Korem Commander specifically in Yogyakarta, from the Lanud Commander, there is Danlanal here. I did not get a prominent report (about security)," said the TNI Commander.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta Governor Sultan HB X said the security situation in his area was relatively good.

"Hopefully next year the condition can be even better," said Sultan.

Regarding the phenomenon of street crime (klitih) which has surfaced recently, the Sultan hopes that it will not be exaggerated because the perpetrators have been arrested.

"After all, those who did have been arrested, yes, the matter has been resolved," said Sultan HB X.

The King of the Yogyakarta Palace was worried that the klitih problems that had arisen in DIY were deliberately designed and extended by certain parties so that Yogyakarta would no longer be considered safe and comfortable.

"Perhaps friends don't feel that it was by design, for example, so that this klitih continues to be extended, it becomes something that Yogya finally declares is not safe and comfortable," said Sultan.

It was previously reported that some of the klitih actions took place on Jalan Kaliurang, Ngaglik District, Sleman, Monday (27/12) in the morning, which resulted in the victim suffering injuries to the palms of the hands, front teeth, and back.

In connection with this case, the police have arrested six people, one of whom is still a student.

The Yogyakarta Regional Police's records throughout 2021 were 58 cases of street crimes in DIY with the number of perpetrators reaching 102 people. The number of cases increased when compared to the data in 2020 which recorded 52 cases.

Of the 102 perpetrators, most or 80 of them are still students, the rest are unemployed.

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