JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Coordinator Adnan Topan Husodo said a political, technocratic, and sociological approach needed to be applied to eradicate corruption in Indonesia in order to become the basic foundation of national development.
"This political, technocratic, and sociological approach needs to be applied in the road map for eradicating corruption in Indonesia and then become the basic foundation of the national development framework," said Adnan Topan Husodo, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 31.
He conveyed this when he was a speaker in a national webinar entitled "Year End Reflections: Law Enforcement and Welfare" which was broadcast live on the YouTube channel DEMA FISIP UIN SGD, monitored from Jakarta, Friday.
Without the implementation of these approaches, said Adnan Topan, the goals of eradicating corruption and national development for the welfare of the Indonesian people will be difficult to achieve. On the other hand, he continued, economic inequality has the potential to increase.
"It actually triggers a gap or distance between rich people and poor people in Indonesia," said Adnan Topan.
In fact, he continued, especially in the realm of national development in the country, the government has issued a large budget, and it is even increasing from year to year. or as a basis for development.
Regarding the technocratic approach, he said, this means that law enforcement officers in terms of eradicating corruption and the government in national development utilize scientific methods and frameworks of thinking, both derived from studies and research.
Then regarding the sociological aspect, the parties involved in eradicating corruption and national development can use an approach through observing the state of society or existing social phenomena.
In addition, the sociological approach means that the community participates in mobilizing national development and eradicating corruption in Indonesia.
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