KUDUS - The disbursement of village funds in Kudus Regency, Central Java, has so far reached IDR 151.04 billion or 99.9 percent of the 2021 village fund allocation of IDR 151.17 billion for 123 villages.

"The absorption that has not reached 100 percent is because there is one village that cannot disburse phase III village funds," said Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service (PMD) of Kudus Regency, Adi Sadhono in Kudus, as reported by Antara, Friday, December 31.

He revealed that as many as 123 villages had disbursed village funds in stages I and II, while for stage III there were 110 villages that had disbursed and 12 villages, due to the status of independent villages, the disbursement was only up to stage II, so there was still one village that had not been able to disburse.

The village is Kauman Village, Kota District, because the area is too narrow so it is difficult to spend. As a result, local villages are unable to meet the minimum requirements for using the budget as a condition for disbursing the third phase of funds.

This condition, he said, could happen again in the 2022 budget year, when the village government no longer has an activity program that can absorb the budget optimally.

Regarding the absorption of the direct cash assistance (BLT) program, he said, Kauman Village does not have any problems, including other villages, because it continues until the period of December 2021. In order to find a solution to the problems experienced by the Kauman Village Government, he ensures that a rural area development program (PKP) involving several surrounding villages in 2022.

"The village of Kauman along with other villages, such as the Villages of Janggalan, Damaran, Worksan, Kajeksan, Langgardalem, and several other villages are trying to develop the concept of a tourist village called Jerusalem Van Java," he said.

Incidentally, he added, several villages in the Menara Kudus area do have historical links so that they form new tourist destinations that will involve many villages.

Through the PKP program, Kauman Village will later have a program that can absorb the budget so that it is hoped that all of the 2022 village fund budgets can be absorbed from the first, second to third stages.

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