BANDUNG - Head of the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Asep N Mulyana said the students were victims of immorality and the wife of defendant HW (36) was suspected of having been brainwashed so that they did not dare to report to the authorities.

According to Asep, the case that ensnared HW was an extraordinary crime. With various threats, HW affects the psyche of his wife and victims.

"So there are a lot of brainwashing in psychological theory, for example, he gives lure, gives pleasure, provides facilities that he (the victims) did not get before," said Asep at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, Antara, Thursday, December 30.

It was discovered that Asep was a public prosecutor in the trial of the HW immoral case with the agenda of examining the defendant's wife. "So the perpetrator influences the victim, for example 'I have bought this for you, please, you also understand my needs and desires', and so on," said Asep.

Meanwhile, HW's wife is helpless with the alleged psychological threat. Even when he caught HW committing immoral acts on the victim, according to Asep, the defendant's wife could not do anything.

"He did it when the wife of the perpetrator was in a large pregnancy condition, so there was a tremendous psychological impact on his wife," he said.

Regarding the motives and methods used by HW, according to him, the prosecutor will convey this when he has examined HW on the agenda of the defendant's examination.

"But we are checking this objectively, comprehensively, thoroughly, including the motives of the perpetrators," he said again.

During the judicial process, he ensures that the prosecutor's office will not only focus on the issue of prosecution, but will also consider all aspects of the impact revealed by the facts of the trial.

"This is not only a legal issue, this is a humanitarian issue, regarding how to survive in the future," he said.

HW was accused of committing immoral acts to 13 female students. His disgraceful actions caused the victims to experience pregnancy and give birth.

HW was charged with carrying out the action between 2016 and 2021. He is said to have carried out the action in a number of places, from Islamic boarding schools to lodging such as hotels and apartments.

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