JAKARTA - "At the end of 2020 and early 2021 the president confirmed. First we put an end to groups that like to create violence in various regions, namely we disband or prohibit the continuation of FPI because the legal standing does not exist," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD in a statement. online discussion, Sunday 26 December 2021.

Mahfud MD's statement seems to invite the public to revisit what the government has done in responding to the arrogance of groups that often commit violence at the end of 2021.

In the discussion, Mahfud said that during the transition year (2020-2021), President Jokowi had given an affirmation to dissolve groups that carried out violence, one of which was the FPI.

After finishing with FPI, the government was again faced with a number of incidents that came from groups or mass organizations, both cultural, social and other organizations.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD/ Photo: IST

Ormas are often seen as a group that causes anxiety because they often clash. Not even a few casualties. However, there are also mass organizations whose activities are contrary to this stigma, such as doing social services. So that the pros and cons emerged in the midst of the debate over mass organizations as a troubling group.

Reported from various sources, the following is the attitude of the government in dealing with mass organizations that have the potential to create disturbances.

The government prohibits ASN from being involved in banned mass organizations

The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) and the Head of the National Personnel Agency (BKN) issued a circular regarding the prevention of ASN involvement in the understanding and practice of radicalism.

From the menpan.go.id page, Thursday, December 28, 2021, MenPAN-RB and BKN issued a Joint SE with Number 02/2021 and No. 2/SE/I/2021 concerning Prohibition for ASN to Affiliate with and/or Support Prohibited Organizations and/or Community Organizations whose Legal Entity Status has been revoked.

The SE is a follow-up to the Joint Decree (SKB) on the Prohibition of Activities, the Use of Symbols and Attributes, and the Termination of Activities of the Islamic Defenders Front which was issued on December 30, 2020.

"This Joint SE is intended for ASN to continue to uphold the basic values of being loyal to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, legitimate government and maintaining the function of ASN as glue and unifying the nation," reads the Joint SE.

This regulation was created as a guide and guide for Personnel Guidance Officers (PPK) regarding the prohibition, prevention, and action against ASN who are affiliated with or support prohibited organizations or mass organizations without a legal basis. It also contains provisions regarding prohibition, prevention, prosecution, and legal basis for imposing disciplinary penalties for ASN involved.

Meanwhile, the ban by KDP includes seven things, namely being a member or having ties, providing direct and indirect support, being a sympathizer, being involved in various activities. Then, using symbols and organizational attributes, using various media to express the involvement and use of symbols and attributes, and taking other actions related to prohibited organizations and mass organizations whose legal entities are revoked.

Processing the law on members of the Ormas who are proven to have committed a crime

A number of clashes between mass organizations often occur in various remote areas. Of course this is a concern of the government, especially the police in enforcing the law. The clashes that occur often cause casualties, material losses, and even have a psychological impact on the general public, resulting in a feeling of discomfort.

Therefore, the government with various instruments, institutions, institutions that are established on a legal basis, has the right to make, make decisions and policies. Also the police as law enforcers, are committed to taking action against unscrupulous mass organizations or members of groups who commit acts against the law.

There have been many and recorded incidents involving mass organizations or groups that violated the law from January 2021 to 2022.

One of the locations for clashes between mass organizations/ Photo: IST

Summarized from various sources, the following are events that have been in the media's spotlight for incidents of clashes between mass organizations or groups that have resulted in crimes, and the resolution of problems based on government policies.

The Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR) mass organization clash with the Kei Group at Cafe Saurma, Jalan KH Noer Ali Kalimalang, Jakasampurna, on Thursday, December 21, early in the morning. Bekasi City Police Investigators have named two suspects from the Kei group. These two suspects are perpetrators of beating two victims from the FBR mass organization. One of them died.

The flying of the red and white flag organized by the Laskar Merah Putih (LMP) mass organization was banned and prevented by officers from the three pillars of Penjaringan at the Pantai Indak Kapuk (PIK) bridge, Penjaringan sub-district, North Jakarta, Tuesday 17 August.

The Commander of the Red and White Army (LMP) Daenk Jamal stated that the aim of the LMP was to unfurl the 21-meter-long red and white flag in commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day. The ban was carried out in relation to the health protocol, which at that time COVID-19 cases were still high in Jakarta.

Clashes between mass organizations occurred in Karawang on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. As a result of this incident, one person died and two car passengers were critical. The local police named five people as suspects.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit/ Photo: IST

The heating up of two mass organizations, FBR and PP, after the incident of the death of one FBR member in Kembangan, Joglo, West Jakarta. Since that incident, there have been various incidents in West Jakarta, such as the burning of the command post, and even the viral video sweeping members of mass organizations as an act of revenge.

The West Jakarta Metro Police and their staff are trying to resolve the conflict in various ways, such as approaching the head of the mass organization. However, along with these steps, the legal process for the death of one FBR member continues. So in the end the police have named one suspect for the incident.

Not finished there. Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR RI Junimart Girsang made remarks that triggered the emotions of members and leaders of mass organizations. Junimart had asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to bring order to mass organizations that often commit violence.

Junimart's words made PP furious and staged a series of demonstrations, one of which was in front of the DPR RI Building, Senayan. Hundreds of people from PP gathered in front of the DPR Building demanding Junimart's apology for his remarks.

But again, the demonstration did not go well because there was an incident where one of the police officers was beaten and had a head wound. The police also conducted an examination of the demonstrators, and as a result the police found sharp weapons at the demonstration site.

In the aftermath of the demonstration in front of the DPR Building, six PP members were named suspects in the case of assaulting a member of the National Police, the Head of the Ops Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Dermawan Karosekali.

"We have determined him as a suspect and are undergoing an investigation process," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan at a press conference, Tuesday, November 30.

President Jokowi's Attention to Controlling Attributes

President Joko Widodo reprimanded the National Police while giving directions to the Heads of Work Units in Badung, Bali, which was broadcast virtually via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Friday, December 3.

Jokowi poked fun at the police, who turned against the leaders of mass organizations who often made a fuss. He asked for firmness and authority not to be lost from the Police.

"Don't lose that firmness from the Police. Do not lose the authority of the Police. I have wanted to convey for a long time, there is a new regional police chief, there is a new police chief, instead coming to the elders of mass organizations who often make a fuss," said Jokowi.

"Is this true? (Then) I asked the police chief. Why are you doing this? (Answered) so that the city is conducive. But is it the right way? Be careful not to pawn authority with sowan to lawbreakers," he said.

President JokowiYouTube Presidential Secretariat

Responding to Jokowi's question, the Polda Metro Jaya felt there was no need to meet with mass organizations in order to enforce the law. Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Fadil Imran also immediately asked his staff to bring order to the attributes of mass organizations that are widely installed and scattered on the roadside to residential areas.

Fadil said, controlling the attributes of mass organizations was carried out to maintain security and public order.

"We will arrange it so that the village is neater and safer," said Fadil at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Wednesday, December 8.

Controlling the attributes of mass organizations has also been carried out in several areas in Jakarta. A total of 1,913 attributes from various groups of mass organizations installed in 10 sub-districts in the South Jakarta area have been removed to prevent commotion.

Then, a number of command posts (posts) for mass organizations in the Kembangan sub-district, West Jakarta, were brought under control by the joint officers of the West Jakarta City Government.

Controls are made to prevent commotion. The Ormas Command Posts were repainted so that there would no longer be the Ormas Colored Command Posts. In addition, the flags of mass organizations flying on the streets will also be lowered by the police.

Finally, as many as 120 substations belonging to mass organizations in East Jakarta were also demolished to provide a sense of security for residents.

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