JAKARTA - Kapuspenkum of the Attorney General's Office, Hari Setiyono, said that the renovation of the Main Building of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office will be submitted directly to the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. This is because this building is included in a protected cultural heritage building.

"The building (AGO, red) is included in the list of cultural heritage records. Therefore, the renovation process must be in accordance with regional regulations, which in this case is stipulated by the Governor of DKI Jakarta," Hari said in a press conference broadcast on YouTube, Sunday, 23 August.

He said that the Main Office of the AGO was also treated differently from other buildings. According to him, the maintenance of this building has also been adjusted to the standard operating procedures (SOP) stipulated in the regulations regarding buildings that are used as cultural heritage.

In addition, the maintenance of this building is always monitored by the cultural heritage team of DKI Jakarta Province. "We have done what has been regulated in the SOP for cultural heritage," he said.

"Once again, what is called a disaster, we all don't know what kind of system it is. It's called a disaster. Especially holidays. Therefore, this disaster is certainly not our common desire and we are sorry that this building which has historical value is burning," he said.

Furthermore, he confirmed that his party immediately called the fire department before the fire got bigger. The smoke detection alarm at the time of the incident also lights up.

"The alarm sounds after a fire. What does smoke come from? From the fire," he said.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office building on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin Dalam 1, Jakarta caught fire on Saturday, August 22. This fire started at 19.10 WIB and it is not certain what caused it. The part that was burned was the Main Building which consisted of the staffing, guidance and intelligence rooms.

After burning for almost 12 hours, the fire finally went out at around 06.28 WIB. A total of 65 fire engines including two Bronto Skylift units were deployed to extinguish the fire. There were no fatalities in this incident and the cause of the fire is still being investigated by the police.

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