JAKARTA - The Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) assesses that the performance of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has been sluggish towards the draft law in the public interest. As in the discussion of the Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP), the Sexual Violence Crime Bill (TPKS), and the Disaster Management Bill.
The following is a summary of a number of events in the DPR RI that will receive public attention in 2021:
1. Approval of the candidate for the National Police ChiefThe tension in the news in the DPR in early 2021 was marked by the change of the National Police Chief. The public and even members of the DPR each have a prediction of who President Joko Widodo will appoint. Speculation about the candidate for the National Police Chief who will replace General Pol Idham Azis was finally answered after the Indonesian House of Representatives received a presidential letter regarding the name of the candidate for the Head of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), namely Komjen Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
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