JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is committed to immediately arresting four suspects in corruption cases who have been included in the People's Wanted List (DPO) after the COVID-19 subsides.

"We continue to pursue it, hopefully after COVID-19 subsides we can be more flexible in finding the DPO. What is clear is that the KPK is committed not only to Harun Masiku for the fourth time, we will carry out arrests as soon as COVID-19 subsides," said Deputy KPK Chair Nurul Ghufron during a press conference on the 2021 KPK performance achievements at the KPK Building, Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 29.

To note, there are four suspects who have the status of DPO KPK.

"First, of course, what you always ask is Harun Masiku in 2020, Surya Darmadi 2019, Izil Azhar 2018, Kirana Kotama 2017," said Ghufron.

There are also details of the case that ensnared the four suspects, namely Kirana Kotama in a corruption case of giving gifts or promises related to the appointment of Ashanti Sales Inc as the exclusive agent of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) in the procurement of SSV Ships for the Philippine government in 2014-2017.

Izil Azhar in the case with Irwandi Yusuf as the Governor of Aceh Province for the 2007-2012 period, namely receiving gratuities related to his position and which are contrary to his obligations or duties.

Surya Darmadi as the owner of PT Darmex/PT Duta Palma Group in the case of helping to give or promise something to state officials related to the Submission of Revision of Forest Function Change in Riau Province to the Ministry of Forestry in 2014.

Lastly, former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku is in a bribery case related to the appointment of elected DPR members in 2019-2024.

Ghufron also said that his institution facilitated the handling of cases by other law enforcement officers in the search for DPOs, namely Khoironi F Cadda in the 2007 Morowali APBD corruption case at the request of the Central Sulawesi Attorney General, Cristian Andi Pelang in the corruption case for the replacement of the Torate CS Donggala Bridge at the request of the Central Sulawesi Attorney General.

Furthermore, Hasan was involved in the corruption case in the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) at the request of the Jakarta Attorney's Office, and Deni Gumelar in the corruption case of the West Java Bentonite Factory construction project at the request of the West Java Attorney General's Office.

In addition, he said, during 2021 there were 107 case files that were supervised.

"The results of the 107 supervised cases have advanced to 92 case files with details P21 meaning the investigation is considered complete as many as 69 files, the case is declared 'inkracht' meaning that it has permanent legal force based on court decisions 14 case files, SP3 if it does not have sufficient If there is evidence, the KPK also asks for certainty by issuing SP3 as many as 9 case files," he said.

In accordance with Law Number 19 of 2019, the KPK is given the task and authority to supervise the agencies authorized to eradicate corruption (Polri and the Prosecutor's Office).

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