JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, emphasized that every building in DKI Jakarta must have an early warning system to prevent fires. It was conveyed by Riza after a fire incident at the Attorney General's Office building, Saturday night, August 22, yesterday.

"This is a lesson for all of us. All building units, government, offices, and the business world must ensure that they have an early warning system and a fire extinguisher," said Riza while inspecting the burning Attorney General's building, Saturday night, August 22.

This early warning is necessary to prevent large fires from occurring or spreading to other buildings. Besides, this system must work well, particularly at night, when no one is on-site except for security.

"So these preventive measures do take time," he said.

In the future, Riza said that he would make an inventory of all buildings in DKI Jakarta. Both government and office building units. It is necessary to ensure that existing buildings have a prevention system as well as an early warning system to deal with fires.

"In the future, we will make an inventory of all buildings in Jakarta, to ensure that all buildings carry out the provisions regulated by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding building security," he said.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office building on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin Dalam 1, Jakarta, caught fire. This fire started at 19.10 WIB. The cause isn't clear. The Main Building was severely burned, which consisted of the staffing, guidance, and intelligence rooms.

Regarding the fire, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin ensured that the case files handled by his institution are safe from fire. So are the prisoners.

"In the Main Office of the AGO), there were only human resources. Detainees at the back are safe. All is safe. So case files and detainees are safe," he said.

AGO Head of the Legal Information Center, Hari Setiyono, also conveyed a similar sentiment. He ensured that no valuable case-handling documents in the burning building.

"There is no case handling files, both special and general corruption in the burning building," said Hari Setiyono in an interview with CNN Indonesia TV, Saturday, August 22.

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