SEMARANG - The Regional Office of the National Land Agency (BPN) of Central Java Province is ready to oversee the aspirations of residents affected by the construction of the Bener Dam project, Purworejo Regency, regarding requests for discretion at the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

"Earlier, representatives from residents asked us to give priority to discretion as did the Minister of ATR/BPN on March 9, 2021. So there is an adjustment to land change per field or re-appraisal. Later I will forward the residents' requests to the Minister of ATR/BPN for discretion, "said Head of Central Java ATR/BPN Regional Office Dwi Purnama in Semarang, Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

He said the discretionary request letter would be sent as soon as possible to the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

"What is clear is that we will send it this week so that the problem can be resolved quickly. If you look at the requests from residents who are conducive and support the construction of the dam, the Minister is likely to agree," he said.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Central Java ATR/BPN Regional Office after receiving an audience with representatives of a number of residents affected by the construction of the Bener Dam project at the Central Java ATR/BPN office.

Previously, dozens of residents affected by the construction of the Bener Dam who were members of Masterbend visited the Central Java ATR/BPN Regional Office in Semarang City.

Residents who demonstrated in front of the gates of the Central Java ATR/BPN office starting at 10:00 WIB asked the government to return to the land change appraisal for the construction of the Bener Dam, Purworejo Regency.

Masterbend chairman Eko Siswoyo explained that the residents' demands were not a matter of value, but the settlement of civil land acquisition issues.

"We saw that there was an error in judgment or a procedural error in determining the value that was deemed inappropriate. At that time the value was in the range of Rp. 50 thousand to Rp. 60 thousand per meter, but because they did not agree with the value given, the residents then filed a lawsuit against the National Land Agency and BBWS Serayu Opak in court. Purworejo country," he said.

The result, he continued, was that the Purworejo District Court won the lawsuit from the residents and the defendant filed an appeal, but the result still strengthened the residents so that his party asked ATR/BPN not to take the cassation, but to make discretionary efforts.

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