JAKARTA - During the period from January to December 2021, the Judicial Commission (KY) handled 13 cases or reports that were deemed to undermine the honor and dignity of judges.

"One of the KY's duties is to take legal steps or other steps against parties who undermine the honor and dignity of judges," said Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law, Research and Development Division of KY Binziad Kadafi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

Of the dozens of cases or reports that came in, KY took action in the form of advocating for judges. The goal is to maintain the independence of judges despite pressure.

"Because judges have a central position and great authority, their independence must be guaranteed," said Kadafi.

From the cases or reports that came in, Kadafi took several examples of incidents, including the East Jakarta District Court during the trial of the Muhammad Rizieq Shihab (MRS) case which attracted public attention because it was carried out virtually.

At that time, the trial was chaotic due to protests from the defendant's lawyer MRS who wanted the trial face-to-face or 'offline'. As a result, the trial process was disrupted.

"KY asks all parties to respect the courts and judges, and to maintain the order of the trial," he said.

Another example is the incident at the Bengkalis District Court where there were parties who threatened the safety of judges outside the trial in the form of terror. KY immediately coordinated regarding the security of the judge's official house with the Bengkalis District Court and the Bengkalis Resort Police.

KY gave his appreciation to the Bengkalis Police who responded quickly by routinely patrolling the area of the official residence. In addition, KY also coordinates with the Pekanbaru High Court and the Supreme Court to improve the security system in the judge's official residence.

A similar case also occurred in Banyuwangi District Court, Wangi-Wangi Religious Court (PA), Pinrang PA where there were people who threatened the safety of judges in court. Not only that, KY also found damage to court facilities and infrastructure as happened in the Bengkulu District Court and Dobo District Court.

"There are also allegations of contempt of judges and courts through social media, as happened in the Pekalongan District Court," he said.

In addition to providing advocacy services for handling alleged acts of humiliating the honor and dignity of judges, as a preventive measure, KY has two programs, namely synergy with law enforcement officers and an ethical clinic prevention program and advocacy in collaboration with six universities.

Each tertiary institution synergizes with KY in implementing the syllabus of clinical ethics and advocacy programs which include study, laboratory, practice and community service activities with a focus on preventing acts of degrading judges' behavior.

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