SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi targets all assets of the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) to be certified in 2022. Currently, there are around 2 thousand assets that have not been certified.

"So, for now we are just waiting for the certificate to be issued from BPN," said Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya, Tuesday, December 28.

On Monday, December 27, continued Eri Cahyadi, the Surabaya City Government received 132 asset certificates from the East Java Provincial Government. In detail, as many as 39 certificates were processed by BPN Surabaya 1, and those processed by BPN Surabaya 2 were 93 certificates.

"But this is the umpteenth time we have received it," he said.

So far, about 50 percent of the approximately 4,000 assets have not been certified. All files for asset certification have been submitted to the National Land Agency (BPN).

"So, now about 2,000 have been certified, only 2,000 have not yet, the 2022 target is complete," he said.

Previously, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that saving state assets and state property was important.

For Khofifah, this is very important because if each plot of land is not certified, then when the leader changes and changes officials, this property can change ownership. "That's why the KPK is also very concerned about saving state assets and state property," he said.

Khofifah hopes that in the future it will get the next acceleration. In fact, he hopes that next year everything will be completed, so that these assets have a legal umbrella and there is no potential or possibility of being lost and so on.

"Therefore, the regent and mayor must ensure that all assets belonging to the regency or city they lead have been monitored or not," he said.

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