JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued DKI Jakarta Governor Decree Number 1517 of 2021 concerning the 2022 Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP). by 0.85 percent.

The Secretary General of the All-Indonesian Workers' Organization (OPSI) Timboel Siregar considers this gubernatorial decree can be a reference for other governors to participate in revising the minimum wage increase in their respective regions.

"I think the points of consideration presented in this revised decree should serve as a reference for governors throughout Indonesia, so that an increase in the minimum wage can boost the economy and support job creation in the provinces," Timboel told reporters, Tuesday, December 28.

It is known that Anies had a number of considerations in determining the revised UMP increase. First, Anies did not use the legal basis according to the instructions of the Ministry of Manpower, namely Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021.

Then, Anies mentioned the achievement of income that meets a decent living, which is the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. Third, Anies said that the revised formula for the UMP is based on economic growth and national inflation.

"This means that the increase in the 2022 UMP refers to economic growth and national inflation, not to the economic growth and inflation of the DKI Province which is mandated by PP No. 36 of 2021," said Timboel.

Fourth, in determining this Kepgub, Anies considered the purchasing power of workers so as not to decrease to support the national economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic, and maintain business continuity.

"This consideration is in line with what was conveyed by the Head of Bappenas regarding an increase in the MW by an average of 5 percent which can support an increase in aggregate consumption of Rp. 180 trillion," he said.

However, Timboel said that Anies was not only finished in determining the revision of the UMP. However, Anies must also establish communication with companies in Jakarta in complying with the 2022 UMP.

"Also, we must ensure that the labor inspector of the DKI Jakata province really oversees the implementation of the 2022 UMP, so that all companies comply with it," he said.

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