MALANG - Police are now detaining SW, who was previously a victim of a beating at Nivea Park, Jalan Merbabu, Malang City, East Java. In connection with this case, the police previously named 4 people as suspects in beating SW.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Malang City Police, Kompol Tinton Yuda Riambodo, said that his party received a report from the victim for the alleged sexual abuse. Based on the results of the investigation and the collected evidence, SW was named a suspect.

"Based on the analysis and evidence that we have obtained, we have named the suspect with the initials SW, on suspicion of sexual intercourse," said Tinton, Monday, December 27.

SW has now been detained by the Malang City Police. As a result of his actions, SW will be charged with Article 290 of the Criminal Code because he is proven to have molested people who are unconscious or helpless.

"From the existing evidence, it has fulfilled the elements. That's why we arrested the perpetrators," he said.

Previously, in a 25-second video that went viral and circulated, a young man wearing a battered yellow sweater was beaten up by a group of young people. He seemed to only be able to surrender while dodging.

It was later discovered that this violent act occurred because of a personal problem between the victim SW and a witness to the beating named LN. The two, said Tinton, were involved in a personal conflict. LN said he demanded that SW be held accountable for the alleged molestation.

For this reason, LN asked SW to come to the Nivea Park area to resolve the issue on Saturday, November 20.

Arriving at the location, SW saw LN accompanied by his four friends who are now suspects in the beating. SW also took the initiative to ask LN to get into the car for a dialogue.

“But after LN got in the car and didn't have time to close the door, SW stepped on the gas and made LN panic. Because of panic, LN spontaneously pulled the handbrake lever,” explained Tinton.

When the car stopped, the four suspects ran after and ordered the victim to get down. There the battering took place.

"They then threw punches and kicks repeatedly at the victim until the victim suffered injuries all over his body and is currently receiving treatment at the Hospital in Malang City," said Tinton.

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