JAKARTA - The Trans Metro Pasundan Bus -- a mass transportation development program with a Buy the Service (BTS) service scheme from the Ministry of Transportation -- officially operates. This is one way of the West Java Provincial Government to overcome traffic jams.

Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum accompanied by the Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Budi Setiyadi, inaugurated the operation of the Trans Metro Pasundan Bus which was held at the West Java People's Struggle Monument, Dipati Ukur, Bandung City.

The Trans Metro Pasundan bus will serve five corridors or routes that cross the Greater Bandung area (Bandung City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi City and Sumedang Regency). For this stage, it only serves one corridor, namely Dipati Ukur City of Bandung-Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency.

The five Trans Metro Pasundan bus corridors are Corridor I, namely Leuwipanjang City of Bandung-Soreang, Bandung Regency, Corridor II, namely Kota Baru Parahyangan, West Bandung Regency-Bandung Square, Corridor III, namely Baleendah, Regency of Bandung-Bandung Electronic Center (BEC), Corridor IV is Leuwipanjang-Dago and Corridor V is Dipati Ukur-Jatinangor.

Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum in his speech said that one of the problems in the Greater Bandung area today is about congestion and the presence of Trans Metro Pasundan can be a solution to this problem.

"Where, this program is a program from the center which is devoted to residents of West Java. With the hope that the birth of this bus can reduce congestion, air pollution and reduce the burden on people's lives because the cost is cheap and easy," said Deputy Governor Uu.

The Deputy Governor hopes that the public can use the bus to reduce air pollution problems caused by the use of private vehicles such as motorbikes and cars.

"Don't just have a motorbike, have a car, have gasoline, take a little private car. Please have awareness, change the paradigm. Let's use mass transportation, for the common good," he said.

He said that the consequences of this pollution problem cannot be felt directly, but in the long term, pollution from vehicles will be felt.

"And today, West Java has felt it. Therefore, we hope that the people of Greater Bandung can take advantage of this program because they believe it is for the benefit and benefit of it," he said.

In addition, Deputy Governor Uu hopes that other areas in the West Java region can be touched by this bus program, such as Cirebon, Karawang, Bogor, Depok.

Meanwhile, Director General of Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi said the reason the Ministry of Transportation revived mass transportation in large cities was because the purchasing power of motorized vehicles by the public was currently very high.

This, said Budi, has an impact on the high mobility of residents in big cities such as in the Greater Bandung area which then causes problems of congestion everywhere and pollution.

The Ministry of Transportation plans to allocate IDR 50 billion for the Detail Engineering Design (DED) of infrastructure (stops, pedestrians) for the Trans Metro Pasundan Bus in 2022.

The Trans Metro Pasundan bus fare is IDR 2,500 for students and IDR 5,000 for the public.

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