JAKARTA – An online taxi driver who was arrested for molesting a female passenger in Tambora, West Jakarta, reportedly reported back. Siprianus' attorney, Edi Hardum, said that Godelfridus Janter (an online taxi driver) had reported to the West Jakarta Police for the abuse committed by a female passenger, Novia Tambrani (25). Godelfridus reported on Novia on Sunday 26 December.

"Yesterday, he was received and received a post-mortem at the Tarakan Hospital," said Siprianus Edi, quoted Monday, December 27.

Siprianus explained that his client had been picked up from the detention room of the Tambora Police for division to Tarakan Hospital. After that, his client was brought back to the detention room of the Tambora Police because he had been named a suspect.

Godelfridus reported Novia because he felt that he was beaten so that his head hit the asphalt and his clothes were torn.

"Later, we will bring evidence that his clothes were torn and the video just after he was abused, he happened to be on his own video," he said.

The lawyer also said that his client also made threats via WhatsApp (WA) messages claiming that his brother was a member of the TNI and cursing his client with harsh words.

"There's also WA cursing like a monkey, you, are you bastard, just the words are not good," he said.

Previously reported, NT (25) experienced an unpleasant incident from an online taxi driver with the initials GJ in the Tambora area, West Jakarta. NT was slapped and kicked, causing him to suffer injuries.

NT then reported the incident to the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit. A day later, GJ was arrested by the police while at the Slipi Jaya Mall, Friday, December 24, 2021. Now GJ is a suspect.

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