JAKARTA - The Main Door Officer (P2U) of the Class IIB Sintang Correctional Institution (Lapas) managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle methamphetamine-type drugs through goods deposited from visitors who were delivered by an online motorcycle taxi delivery service in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. The main thing is, when the goods were checked, there were irregularities in the soy sauce bottle, which turned out to contain methamphetamine," said Head of the West Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Fery Monang Sihite, in Pontianak, as reported by Antara, Sunday, December 26. , December 23 at around 11.00 WIB, recently in Sintang Prison.

According to him, during the inspection of suspicious items, namely soy sauce bottles, four small packages of tissue wrapped in plastic were found. Then, P2U officers coordinated with the Correctional Security Unit (KPLP) and the head of the prison, who then opened the small packages directly by the prison KPLP. Sintang Bahri. "At that time, five small crystal-shaped packages suspected of methamphetamine were found in a soy sauce bottle," explained Fery Monang. every visitor and every piece of luggage," said Fery Monang.

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