JAKARTA - KH Miftachul Akhyar and KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya were elected as Rais Aam and Chairman of the PBNU for the period 2021-2026 at the 34th Congress of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Lampung, Friday, December 24.
Gus Yahya's victory over incumbent Said Aqil Siradj certainly became a highlight for political parties, especially Islamic political parties such as PKB, PAN and PPP.
PKB, PAN, PPP in unison welcomed the results of the 34th NU Congress. On the other hand, the three political parties are exploring a coalition as an Islamic axis for the 2024 presidential election.
So, what are the expectations of PKB, PAN and PPP towards NU under Gus Yahya's control?
The National Awakening Party (PKB) congratulated and successfully carried out the mandate to KH Yahya Cholil Staquf.
"We hope that NU congregations and jam'iyyah will advance worldwide in the hands of Gus Yahya, the elected chairman of PBNU," said PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid when contacted, Friday, December 24.
Jazilul said that PKB believed that Gus Yahya would bring the NU mass organization to the world with new breakthroughs.
"We believe that Gus Yahya will make a breakthrough and new enthusiasm for NU's work in serving the people, nation and state, even to the world," said Jazilul. However, according to the Deputy Chair of the MPR, a breakthrough must be made by building new, better traditions under the leadership of Gus Yahya. "Of course, by preserving existing good traditions and building new, better traditions," said Gus Jazil.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) DPP Zulkifli Hasan, is optimistic that Kiai Miftachul Akhyar and Gus Yahya will carry out their mandate well. As well as bringing PBNU into an organization that has a bigger role and contribution to the people and nation.
"Congratulations on your duty and carrying out the mandate for Al-Mukaram KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. God willing, it will be better. From NU for world civilization," Zulhas told reporters, Friday, December 24.
The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR also praised the holding of the 34th NU Congress in Lampung, which ran smoothly, was democratic, friendly, and full of joy.
According to the legislator for the Lampung electoral district, this NU celebration has succeeded in bringing about a positive impact on various dimensions of social, national and state life. deserves appreciation from various parties," said Zulhas.
In addition to conveying congratulations, the Secretary General of the PPP DPP Arwani Thomafi also appreciated every process and stage in the 34th NU congress, which according to him went well, was democratic and cool.
"We salute every stage in the NU Congress that went well, democratically and coolly. The principle of deliberation and consensus was upheld as in the election of Rais Aam PBNU through Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi (AHWA)," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Aang, Friday, December 24. Furthermore, Arwani reminded, the challenges ahead for NU organizations are quite complex. Along with changes in society triggered by digitalization. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is still engulfing the world's population.
Apart from that, said Arwani, there are also world geopolitical challenges. Therefore, NU must be at the forefront of facilitating change in society.
"We believe that NU is able to lead a collaborative orchestra with all the potential of NU residents scattered in various places. Changing times demand collaboration," Arwani hoped. Various parties such as political parties, formal state institutions and civil society civil society must join hands in facing the changes that occur.
Therefore, added Arwani, PPP must collaborate with NU to oversee future changes.
"PPP which was born from the womb of NU and other Islamic organizations is obliged to collaborate with NU in guarding change in our society," concluded Arwani.
It is known, Yahya Cholil Staquf was officially elected as general chairman of PBNU 2021-2026. Yahya Staquf defeated the incumbent, Said Aqil Siroj.
The election for the general chairperson was held at GSG, University of Lampung, Friday, December 24. The vote counting was held openly and broadcast virtually. Yahya Staquf officially became the Chairman of PBNU after winning in two stages of counting the votes. At the election stage for the presidential candidate, Yahya Staquf won with 327 votes. Yahya Staquf won 337 votes, while Said Aqil 210 votes.
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