MALANG - After previously prosecuting the perpetrators of molestation against juvenile orphans in Malang, East Java with a 4-year prison sentence, now it is the turn of the perpetrators of the beatings to be tried.

The five perpetrators of this persecution underwent a verdict trial at the Malang District Court, Friday, December 24. Decisions are made separately in cases of beating and advocating or instigating acts of violence against adolescent girls in orphanages.

Chairperson of the Panel of Judges Sri Hariyani sentenced 4 child perpetrators who committed acts of beating or molestation by undergoing rehabilitation in the form of job training at the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Requiring Special Protection Antasena Magelang, Central Java.

They were proven to have violated Article 80 paragraph 1 of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

"The panel of judges decided to try 4 child perpetrators, with the punishment in the form of job training for 10 months of rehabilitation," said the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges.

Meanwhile, another child perpetrator was found guilty and served 6 months in prison. The perpetrator was proven to have violated Article 80 paragraph 1 of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 2 of the Criminal Code.

"In addition, the panel of judges set a restitution fee of Rp 2,750,000 to child perpetrator N," he explained.

The attorney for child perpetrator N, Heri Budi, explained that the perpetrator's parents accepted the verdict.

"Later, our client will serve a prison term at the Malang Women's Prison. This is because he still has a 2.5-month-old child," he said.

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