JAKARTA - After going through a vote, the 34th NU Congress in Bandar Lampung finally established Gus Yahya as the elected PBNU Chair for the 2021-2026 term of service. Many parties think that there has been regeneration in NU's body. The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Rumadi Akhmad gave a similar assessment.
The competition between Kiai Said Aqil Siroj (as imcumbun) and Gus Yahya Cholil Staquf in this congress event is indeed interesting. It could be said to be a battle between seniors and juniors. And after going through the voting, it turns out that there are still many who want the figure of Kiai Said to return to lead. Of the congress who attended and had voting rights, Gus Yahya won 337 votes, while Kiai Said Aqil received 210 votes out of a total of 548 votes cast. From branch, regional and overseas administrators, one vote was declared invalid.
According to Rumadi Akhmad, the election of KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya as the General Chair of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board for 2021-2026, proves the high aspirations for leadership regeneration in the largest religious organization in Indonesia. "Gus Yahya is a symbol of the strength of NU's young cadres," said Rumadi in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, as a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday as reported by Antara.

According to Rumadi, Gus Yahya is no stranger to President Joko Widodo and KH Ma'ruf Amin. "He was once a Wantimpres (Presidential Advisory Council/Wantimpres). Of course the government is very happy with the election of Gus Yahya," he said.
Rumadi hopes that Gus Yahya can lead NU to maintain its khitah as a socio-religious organization that maintains Islamic and Indonesian values.
He also hopes that NU will continue to cooperate with the government. This cooperation can be realized by maintaining the existence of the Republic of Indonesia, prospering the people, and becoming a pillar to strengthen the government's national agenda related to religious moderation. "NU is an organization that is supportive of the government as long as the government's policies are in line with NU principles," he said.

Before focusing on the two names, Kiai Said and Gus Yahya, the former Deputy PBNU As'ad Said Ali, the Chairman of the East Java PWNU KH Marzuqi Mustamar, and KH Ramadhan Buayo emerged. However, all three failed to meet the minimum requirement of 99 votes in the selection of candidates for the PBNU chairmanship.
Gus Yahya, born in Rembang, Central Java, February 16, 1966. He is the older brother of the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. Before being appointed as the elected PBNU Chair, he had served as a member of the Wantimpres. Gus Yahya was also the spokesman for Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur when he was the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Rumadi Akhmad praised the NU congress event this time. According to him regeneration has occurred. What happened at PBNU with the ratification of Gus Yahya as the elected Chairman of PBNU, could be an example for other social and political organizations not to neglect regeneration.
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