Motorbike Stolen, Mothers In East Luwu Rage At Suspect When Released At Polres, Tries To Kick And Throw Evidence
Release of the theft case at the Luwu Timur Police Headquarters, South Sulawesi/PHOTO OF LUTIM POLICE PR PHOTOS

LUWU TIMUR - A mother who was a victim of theft of a motorbike lashed out at the suspect in the theft in East Luwu, South Sulawesi. He tried to approach the suspect then fired a kick.

This video of women running amok when the case of theft of motorbikes (curanmor) was released at the East Luwu Police Headquarters was spread to social media. At that time, the Head of the East Luwu Police, AKBP Silvester Simamora, was explaining the theft case.

Suddenly the mother who was the victim of the motorcycle theft approached the perpetrator who was also 'shown' by the police at a press conference. He fired a kick but was blocked by the police.

These women then tried to throw away evidence, motorcycle spare parts that were placed on the press conference table. The police immediately chased him away.

This mother rages while speaking in a high tone. By other police he was taken away from the location of the theft press conference.

The East Luwu Police arrested two perpetrators with 13 motorbikes as evidence. Both initials are S alias K (40) a resident of Manurung Village, Malili District, East Luwu Regency and A alias F (25) a resident of Makassar City.

Both were arrested in the province boundary of South Sulawesi-Southeast. However, during the arrest, a colleague of the two perpetrators, the initials E, residents of Makassar City managed to escape into the forest.

The East Luwu Police Chief, AKBP Silvester Simamora, quoted from a statement from the Luwu Police Public Relations Officer, Friday, December 24, explaining that, from the results of the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that the stolen motorbike had been stripped down and some of it had been sold in the North Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

There is also a price range of motorbikes sold, namely Rp. 2 million to Rp. 4 million per unit. The proceeds from the sale are used for personal use.

Police are still developing and looking for 12 other motorcycles.

The perpetrator is subject to Article 363 paragraph (1) of the 4th Criminal Code Subs Article 362 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 (seven) years in prison.

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