JAKARTA - News circulated on social media about the Pujasera discotheque visitor with the initials B dying on Saturday, August 16. The cause is called overdose (OD).

Kapolsek Tamansari AKBP Abdul Ghofur denied this. He said, the victim died from a congenital disease. And that, too, according to Ghofur, did not happen in a discotheque as the news circulated.

Capture the screen of overdose news B (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

"It is not true. Indeed, someone died, but not at the Pujasera (discotheque). But what is clear is that he died in front of the Indomaret next to the discotheque," Ghofur told reporters, Thursday, August 20.

The disease history of the man with the initials B, said Ghofur, was known from his family. This was revealed after the man was taken to the hospital.

"What is clear is based on the fact we met his parents who said he had kidney disease, wanted dialysis. Was taken to the hospital and died."

Based on the information gathered, the man was found dead on Sunday, August 16, at around 07.30 WIB. At that time the mini market security officers found the man in a state of limp and pale.

Meanwhile, regarding the Pujasera Discotheque which was operating during the transitional PSBB period, Ghofur was reluctant to respond. The reason is, this is not in his authority.

"I do not know whether it is open or not. If it (discotheque) opens it means violating it. Asking Satpoll PP is not the police's authority," he said.

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