Plenary Session Determines 9 AHWA To Determine Rais Aam PBNU 2021-2026

LAMPUNG - The plenary session of the 34th NU congress has appointed nine Ahlul Walii Wal Aqdi (AHWA) teams who will determine who the elderly kiai will carry out the duties as Rais Aam PBNU for the period 2021-2026. The nine AHWAs are KH Dimyati Rais, KH Mustofa Bisri , KH Ma'ruf Amin, KH Anwar Mansur, KH TG. Turmudzi, KH Miftachul Akhyar, KH Nurul Juda Jazuli, KH Buya Ali Akbar Marbun, and KH Zainal Abidin.

Referring to the rules of the congress, the election of Rais Aam PBNU was agreed to use the AHWA system. With this model, Rais Aam will be elected by nine people who are mandated by PCNU and PWNU to become AHWA. The AHWA model emphasizes the deliberation and consensus approach. While the determination of the General Chairperson of the PBNU Tanfidziyah is prioritized by consensus, but if there is no clear point, a vote will be held. The candidates will compete for the support of the voters, namely PCNU, PCINU, PWNU, PBNU, and autonomous bodies. deliberation to determine who will be the next Rais Aam. "Next, the AHWA who have been included in the nine will hold a separate meeting in order to determine the next Rais Aam," said M. Nuh in Lampung, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 23. M. Nuh said the election mechanism for the PBNU General Chair would prioritize deliberation and consensus, but if no bright spot is found, a vote will be held.

Noah explained that branch and regional administrators may propose names as candidates for the general chairmanship. The proposed candidate must meet the requirements of having 99 votes. "If the general chairman of each branch, region, proposes a name, anyone may propose a name. candidate for Ketum," said M. Nuh in Lampung, Thursday. Nuh explained that if there were a number of names that received 99 votes or more, then they would hold deliberation to reach consensus. However, if there is no consensus, it will be consolidated to Rais Aam PBNU. "If Rais Aam has given his approval, if there is more than one candidate, then it will be voted again. Who gets the most votes from there, that will be the chairman," he said.

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