MATARAM - The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, has scheduled a large-scale vaccination patrol involving all elements of the regional leadership coordination forum (forkopimda) during the end of the 2021 holidays.

The head of the Mataram Police, Grand Commissioner Heri Wahyudi, explained the technical implementation of this vaccination patrol by going out in the field to visit people who are active in public places.

"So later we will check it first through the PeduliLindungi application. If it is not vaccinated, we will immediately vaccinate or we will direct to the nearest hospital and health center," said Heri in Mataram, Thursday, December 23.

During the year-end holiday period, the National Police will also carry out the Rinjani Candle Operation 2021, which focuses on tightening health protocols.

The Mataram Police in carrying out the operation established six service and security posts. Among them, at the Karang Jangkong intersection, the Kebon Roek Market T-junction, Lombok Epicentrum Mall, and Narmada.

"Every post will be prepared by a vaccinator," he said.

For the need for a COVID-19 vaccine, the Mataram Police not only coordinates with puskesmas officers, the availability is also relied on from the NTB Regional Police for Medicine and Health.

Furthermore, Heri reminded people who carry out activities in public places during the year-end holiday period to strictly maintain health protocols. They will also carry out on-site monitoring.

"If there are crowds, we will disperse. We will also not give permission for crowds during the year-end holidays," he said.

With regard to the year-end holidays which coincide with the 2021 Christmas celebrations, his party will also carry out regular inspections of Christian houses of worship. Security of the place is also part of the task of the police.

"We will also carry out strict supervision of health protocols in places of worship for Christmas," said Heri.

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