JAKARTA - The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) has named the suspects in the fraudulent investment case for injecting medical equipment (alkes) using a fake Ministry Work Order (SPK). They used the letter to make potential victims believe and invest their money.

"Yes, that's right, (the suspect, ed) used a fake SPK," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, to VOI, Thursday, December 23.

From the results of the preliminary examination, the suspects admitted to making the SPK. However, the process or method of counterfeiting has not been detailed.

"Make it yourself," said Whisnu.

Previously, the Police revealed the modus operandi of fraud in the case of investing in medical equipment (alkes) capital injections. The three suspects are said to have used the name of the ministry and brought a work order.

"To convince investors or victims of his victims, he presented a package of medical equipment. Make a belief and there is a work order from the relevant ministry," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, December 22.

In addition, the suspects also lured their victims with large profits. The victim was interested and invested the money.

"Well, it's the making of this letter that makes him sure, besides he was tempted by him saying here the money or big profits of up to 30 percent, but he was also believed in with a work order," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, the Bareskrim Polri arrested three suspects in the fraudulent investment case for injecting medical equipment (alkes) capital. In this case, the loss is estimated at IDR 1.3 trillion. The suspects had the initials DR, VAK and B.

Suspect V is said to be acting as a boss at PT Aura Mitra Sejahtera. Then, suspect B has a big enough role. He is referred to as the director of PT Aura Mitra Sejahtera or the company involved in the fraudulent investment.

Meanwhile, the suspect DR played a role in searching for potential victims. He seduces and deceives potential victims to invest their wealth.

The alleged perpetrators are suspected of Article 378 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) related to fraud or acts, Article 372 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code or Article 56 of the Criminal Code related to the Crime of Embezzlement.

Article 46 paragraph (1) of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking, Article 105 and/or Article 106 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning trade, and Article 3 and/or Article 4 and/or Article 5 and/or Article 6 in conjunction with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

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